Genealogical Information for Oconee Hill Cemetery

If you have genealogical questions about the Oconee Hill Cemetery, please email Don Smith.

You may also visit the Oconee Hill Genealogic Group web page for more information.

To find a grave, please click here.  To search for and find specific graves locations on a map of the cemetery, click here.

The Friends of Oconee Hill Cemetery wish to acknowledge the work of three extraordinary volunteers who have contributed so much in bringing the cemetery's history to a wider audience.


Ed Saye has single-handedly entered thousands of Oconee Hill records into the Find A Grave website ( and has photographed the markers that accompany these records. These records represent countless hours of volunteer work on Ed's part.

Gary Doster, an historian and author in his own right, has worked with Charlotte Marshall for many years in researching the definitive study of Oconee Hill. In her introduction to the first volume of Oconee Hill Cemetery of Athens, Georgia, Charlotte says that Gary's help hastened the publication of the history by "years."

Finally, Charlotte Marshall is our volunteer without equal. She has made the cemetery a central part of her world for 40 years. She is a living encyclopedia of grave locations, history of the cemetery, family relationships, and so much more. She has vast collections of data relating to the cemetery. But she has done more than just collect data and write histories. Charlotte has brought the cemetery to life. She introduced it to thousands of people who did not know Oconee Hill. For her, the people buried at Oconee Hill come alive, and she has allowed all of us to share that enthusiasm.

We invite you to purchase Charlotte Marshall's definitive history and survey entitled Oconee Hill Cemetery of Athens, Georgia, Volume I. Copies of the book are available in Athens at ADD Drug Store, Athens Welcome Center and Aurum Studios.

Don Smith, Oconee Hill Cemetery General Manager as of 2017, has helped create online mapping of burial plots, a database of where people are buried at Oconee Hill, and other interesting genealogical information including photos of plots and tombstones. To access this information, click here

For further study about genealogy or Oconee Hill Cemetery, you may wish to view these websites: